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We’ve made our claims process simple, to help you during difficult times. You can start your claim in a few steps. To start the claim process, you can contact us or make a claim . A dedicated 91ºÚÁÏ case manager will help guide you through the entire process.

Key points:

  • The types of claim you can make could include:
    • income protection
    • terminal illness
    • total and permanent disablement
    • death.
  • If you need to make a new claim, you can contact us or make a claim .
  • Your dedicated case manager will contact you to discuss your claim.
  • Once you make a claim, you’ll receive a claim pack.
  • Return your completed forms and supporting documents, for lodgement with the insurer, where it is required.
  • We will review your claim, and if you have insurance cover, we will pass it on to the insurer for assessment.
  • Once the claim assessment is complete, we’ll let you know the outcome.
  • If you already have a claim in progress, you can call your dedicated case manager directly.

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Call the National Relay Service (NRS) on 1300 555 727. You can ask for 1300 650 873.

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Making a death claim

Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult times in your life. If you need to make a death claim, we’ll make sure the process is as smooth as possible. We’ll provide you with a dedicated case manager to help guide you through the entire process. They’ll help you complete the forms and give you tips on how to get hold of any supporting documents you may need.

How to make a death claim

1. Complete and submit the online Death claim notification to start the process. You can also call us on 1300 650 873.

To start the claim process, we’ll need the member’s details such as:

  • first name, middle name, last name
  • membership number
  • account number
  • date of birth and death.

We’ll ask you some questions so we can send you a claim pack and information.

You’ll be given a dedicated case manager to be your contact to help you with your claim.

2. Complete your claim pack. This contains all the information we need to process your claim. Send your completed claim application to us.

3. We’ll review your claim. If the member has insurance, we’ll lodge the claim with the insurer. If we need more information to process your claim, your case manager will let you know.

4. If the claim for death insurance is approved, we’ll deposit the money into the member’s 91ºÚÁÏ account.

5. We’ll review all received claim information. This may include information from several claiming parties. Who the benefit is paid to will depend on whether the member nominated a valid beneficiary.

Valid binding beneficiary nomination or a reversionary beneficiary
We’re generally required by law to pay the nominated beneficiary.

No nomination
We’ll decide who should receive the benefit based on super law, fund rules and the claim information we’ve received.

6. Where there are several potential beneficiaries and depending on the circumstances, we’ll let them know how we propose to pay the death benefit. Potential beneficiaries then have 28 days to lodge an objection if they disagree.
If an objection is received, the benefit cannot be paid until it’s resolved.

7. Where there is no objection, payment is made to the beneficiary/s. The death benefit payable will consist of the member’s account balance and any insured amount (if applicable).

Find out more on how to claim a death benefit (PDF, 684kB)

Who can receive a death benefit?

When a member dies, generally a super death benefit can only be paid to their dependants and/or their legal personal representative. This is usually the executor or administrator of their estate.

If we can’t locate a legal personal representative or a dependant, only then can we consider paying the benefit to another person.

Under superannuation law, a dependant can be:

  • a spouse or de facto spouse
  • a child, including a stepchild, adopted child, or the child of a spouse
  • a financial dependant, or
  • a person with whom the member was in an interdependency relationship with.

Adult children can receive a member’s death benefit. Minor children and financially dependent children will be considered first.

Tax on death benefits

A lump sum benefit paid to a dependant for tax purposes is generally tax free.

How we define a dependant for tax purposes is different to the definition that we use when deciding where to pay a death benefit. A dependant for tax purposes includes:

  • a spouse, former spouse or a de facto spouse
  • children under age 18
  • a person with whom the member had an interdependency relationship, and
  • any other person who was financially dependent on the member.

If we pay the legal personal representative, we don’t deduct tax. The legal personal representative is then responsible for managing the estate’s tax affairs.

If you’re not a dependant for tax purposes, it’s very likely you will have to pay tax on the benefit. Exactly how much will depend on factors like what kinds of contributions were made into the account and whether or not the super fund deducted tax from contributions and earnings.

Case study: Tax on death cover

Alec has $100,000 in his super balance and death cover of $750,000. He has a total benefit of $850,000 payable in the event of his death. The binding death benefit nomination on his account tells us to pay 100% of his benefit to his adult child, Ruth. As Alec’s child, Ruth is considered a dependant under super law and fund rules.

Alec passes away unexpectedly. As there was a valid binding nomination on his account, Ruth receives Alec’s total death benefit. Ruth was not financially dependent on her father at the time of his death, so she is not considered a dependant for tax purposes. Ruth will have to pay tax on the benefit.

Making a terminal illness claim

If you have a terminal illness, you can apply to receive your death cover early, as well as any super account balance that you have.

It may be difficult to deal with important paperwork. If you need to make a terminal illness claim, we’ll make sure the process is as quick and easy as possible. We’ll provide you with a dedicated case manager to help you through the entire process.

How to check if you are eligible

If you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness, we can pay your account balance and any death insurance amount to you. This is called a terminal illness benefit. A maximum terminal illness insurance amount of $5 million applies, even if your death cover is higher. If you make a claim, you'll need to meet certain criteria to have a terminal illness benefit paid. You will generally be eligible to claim if two registered medical practitioners certify your illness or injury as likely to result in your death within 24 months. One of these medical practitioners must be a specialist in the area related to the illness or injury.

How to make a terminal illness claim

1. Contact us

There are a few ways you can start a claim:

  • call us 1300 650 873
  • contact us onlineÌýand request that we call you back
  • make your claim in yourÌýÌýaccount
    • click on the Insurance tab and select make a claim. This option is only available if you have insurance on your account.

2. If you call us, we’ll ask you some questions so we can send you a claim pack. This contains all the information we need to process your claim. You’ll be given a dedicated case manager to be your contact to help you with your claim.

3. Complete your claim pack. Send your completed claim application to us. You may include an authority for someone else to help manage your claim on your behalf.

4. We’ll review your claim. If you have insurance, we’ll lodge your claim with the insurer. If we need more information to process your claim, we’ll let you know.

5. If the insurance claim is approved, we receive payment from the insurer. If we agree with the insurer’s decision, we’ll add the insured benefit to your 91ºÚÁÏ account.

6. If we have your instructions, we can make the payment. The terminal illness benefit payable will consist of your account balance and any insured amount (if applicable).

Find out more aboutÌýhow to make terminal illness claim (PDF, 687kB)

Making a permanent disability claim

Total and permanent disablement cover (TPD) can be there for you if you’re too sick or injured to ever work again. It can provide a lump sum payment to you to help cover your expenses. If you don’t have insurance cover, you may be able to access your super account balance.

It may be difficult to deal with important paperwork. If you need to make a claim, we’ll make the process as quick and easy as possible. We’ll assign you a dedicated case manager to help you through the entire process.

How to make a permanent disability claim

1. Contact us

There are a few ways you can get in touch with us to make a claim.

  • call usÌý1300 650 873
  • contact us onlineÌýand request that we call you back
  • make your claim in yourÌý, click on the Insurance tab and select make a claim. This option is only available if you have insurance on your account.

2. If you call us, we’ll ask you some questions so we can send you a claim pack. This contains the information we need to process your claim.

Sometimes, we can let the insurer know straight away that you wish to make a claim. They’ll then call you directly to speed up the claim process. This will also happen when you make an online claim usingÌý. The insurer in both cases will send you a claim pack for completion.

3. Complete your claim pack. Send your completed claim application either to us or the insurer – depending on who sent you the forms, we’ll let you know.

4. You’ll be assigned a dedicated case manager. If you have insurance, we’ll lodge your claim with the relevant insurer. If we need more information to process your claim, we’ll let you know.

5. If the insurance claim is approved, we receive payment from the insurer. If we agree with the insurer’s decision, we’ll add the insured benefit to your 91ºÚÁÏ account.

6. You can then choose one of the following options:

Find out more aboutÌýhow to make a permanent disability claim (PDF, 650kB).

Making an income protection claim

Income protection covers you if you cannot work for a period of time due to illness or injury. To claim income protection insurance, you must meet your insurance policy definition. There are also limits on when you can apply for income protection, and how long you can receive benefits. You can find this information by:

What happens after you make a claim?

If your application for income protection benefit is approved, we’ll let you know. Income protection is paid as regular instalments rather than a lump sum. You might receive other disability income because of your illness or injury. This could include:

  • government disability support programs
  • motor accident insurance
  • workers' compensation.

Your income protection benefit may be reduced as a result of those payments.

If eligible, you’ll also be advised of any super contributions to be paid to your super fund.

When will you get your payment?

The benefit is paid monthly in arrears and is payable once your waiting period has ended. The insurer will make the monthly payments directly into your nominated bank account. The amount you receive will be less any applicable tax.
The insurer will need you to send them regular medical updates from your doctor during your benefit period, for ongoing assessment.

How to claim an income protection benefit (PDF, 653kB)

How to make an income protection claim

1. Contact us

There are a few ways you can get in touch with us to make a claim.

  • call usÌý1300 650 873
  • contact us onlineÌýand request that we call you back
  • make your claim in yourÌý, click on the Insurance tab and select make a claim.

2. If you call us, we’ll ask you some questions so we can send you a claim pack. This contains the information needed to process your claim.

Sometimes, we can let the insurer know straight away that you wish to make a claim. They’ll then call you directly to speed up the claim process. This will also happen when you make an online claim usingÌý. The insurer in both cases will send you a claim pack for completion.

3. Complete your claim pack. Send your completed claim application either to us or the insurer – depending on who sent you the forms, we’ll let you know.

4. You’ll be assigned a dedicated case manager. We’ll ensure your claim is lodged with the relevant insurer. If the insurer needs more information to process your claim, we’ll be in touch.

5. If the insurance claim is approved, you’ll be advised of the benefit amount payable and whether it needs to be reduced by any offsets. You’ll also be advised about the ongoing claims assessment process.

6. The monthly benefit, less any applicable tax, will be paid to your bank account by the insurer monthly in arrears once the waiting period has ended. If eligible, any super contributions will be paid to your super fund.


Yes. You can apply for your super to be released before you are usually eligible.

There are a few criteria access super early on the grounds of permanent disablement:

  • you have stopped gainful employment, and
  • we are reasonably satisfied that you’re unlikely to work again because of your disablement.

If you meet the condition of release, you can generally access:

  • your super account balance, and
  • any total and permanent disablement cover (insured benefit).

Payment of the insured benefit is subject to approval by the insurer at the time of your injury or when your illness occurred and is based on their policy terms and conditions.

When making a total and permanent disablement claim or an income protection claim, a waiting period may apply. Check the relevant Insurance Handbook.

You can also make both a total and permanent disablement, and an income protection claim together at the same time. Make sure you tell us this when making a claim, so we can ensure we send you the relevant forms for completion.

Where to next?

Calculate your insurance needs

Our insurance calculator can provide an estimate for how much you need and what it will cost. Simply answer a few questions about your income, salary and expenses.

Check your insurance

Did you know you can check and change your insurance using your 91ºÚÁÏ online account?

Simple advice at no extra cost

Take advantage of simple financial advice over the phone or virtually. Our superannuation advisers can help with questions about your 91ºÚÁÏ account.